School News

What Can I Do Pass the State Exam

- Feb 23, 2010      Archive

There are lots of things students can to increase odds to pass the state exam. Here are a few points to remember

1. Be positive, realize that you don’t have to get 100% you only need to pass, no one is going to give you more commissions if you got 100% on the state exam and most states don’t even tell you what you scored.

2. On the exam there are going to be questions you don’t know, so don’t panic, reject negative thoughts.

3. Learning how questions are written and the parts and function of an exam question.

4. Try to obtain banks of questions and go over them. The more questions you view the more comfortable you will get in answering and understanding questions and how they are written.

5. There is math in every real estate exam, but not difficult math. If math is a not something you are comfortable with, there are some exam course materials to help you in this effort (Cooke Real Estate School has a excellent real estate math textbook for students on the school bookstore.)

6. Get a good night rest before the exam and get to the exam site early so you won’t be rushed and show up late.